Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Simple and Quick Marketing Tips that You Can Start Today

When it comes to organizing their businesses, many never get started because they do not know where to begin. Or they say that they just don't have the time. So in this series of articles, I will be eliminating both excuses from your current mindset. In each article, I will be providing you with two (2) tips for organizing and marketing your business – two weeks out of the month that are already planned for you. All you have to do is take action and do them. So lets get started.

Marketing Campaign

Marketing, including word of mouth campaigns, will be the lifeline of your business. You should always have at least one campaign in progress even if you feel you have enough work to do. So I suggest you try one of the following ideas. They are easy, quick to do, and wont take much of your time.

1. Choose a local newspaper to post an ad for your business or event. Many small journals offer free advertising in both their printed and online versions. Examples in the Cincinnati Tri-County area:

2. Go to one networking event. Walk up to 5 people and ask them how they heard about the event and what they do. Ask for their business card, pause, and then say “how about I give you mine too”. At this point walk away unless they want to hire you right then and there. :) Check the above sites for networking events in Cincinnati.


Join a social network.

Join a social network and actually FILL out your profile completely and add a professional-style picture as well. I'd suggest: www.facebook.com and www.linkedin.com. But if you are a musician, artist, or a creative business, www.myspace.com might be just right for you. Make sure to update your status and profile regularly. Users of social networks are always checking the status of their friends and will be immediately notified of any changes you make. A great marketing strategy! The day I changed my Facebook profile to show my new website address, I received a surge in hits without handing out one new business card. (And yes you can join all three networks!)

If you have a quick and easy marketing strategy that can be implemented in one week, please share them. I will give you all due credit and it will be a great service to others. Email your suggestions to yvonne@CoSolutionsLLC.com.

For more marketing and business tips sent straight to your email, please sign up for
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1 comment:

Real Life Mad Man said...

Your comment made me laugh! Glad to know we're not the only ones who have crazy lawn people :)
