Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Finding Your Passion with a Target Market

I was going to name this article “The Fear of Success” but I felt that was giving the word fear way to much power. Instead, I came up with a quick anagram for the word that is much more appropriate for my life.

Fear is a:

F = Fundamental
E = Exercise that makes me both
A = Aware and
R = Realistic

Based upon this phrase, each article I will be discussing one element of small business ownership that causes people to lose their initiative. I am going to try and demystify these weaknesses so that success can take hold of you from within.

This article is about doing what you love. I've found that when people describe their business to me they always end their sentence with “but I wish I was doing something else too”. Surprisingly, 75% of the time that “wish” is actually a business idea that is quite close to what they are already doing. If this is true, why haven't they just done it? The problem in my opinion is the fear of opening their true self to the world. Sometimes its safer to say “I'm a party planner” than to say “I'm an event planner who specializes in organizing charity events for women who have been abused”.

Why is this? It's because there is this assumption that if you get specific with people it will infer something about your personal life. The planner in this example probably feels people will quickly assume that she was abused. This may or may not be true, but the assumption that people may view her as a victim is enough to keep her from fulfilling her passion.

This is where I feel its important to remind you that not everyone is going to understand or relate to your passion from a business stand point. Which means these individuals are not part of your target market to begin with. However, for people who have the same passion or have gone through the same experiences as you, your message will resonate loud and clear. And honestly, aren't these the type of people you want as clients. In other words, don't be afraid to match your passion with your business. If you embrace who you are, you will actually see your business pick up because you are now using your time to only focus on good leads.

To learn more about how to follow your passion while maintaining a profitable business, check out my new eBook now available on my sister website: www.FindingYourWayPlan.com

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