Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Part 2: To-do-Lists...The Only TWO Lists You Need!

In Part One of this article I talked about the mentality of business people when it comes to making to do lists. They either have no list, a started but never finished list, or too many lists all together.

**If you have not read the post yet, please read about the pitfalls of each personality here: Part One


1. WEEKLY TO-DO-LIST - This list includes all the things you know you need to do THIS WEEK. However do not list 100 tasks. Be realistic, there are just so many things you can do in seven days. I prefer 12 tasks listed in ANY order.

This is not the time to get detailed or you will get overwhelmed. Just list overall descriptions of each, because honestly you already know what each task requires. This list is just to keep you focused and jog your memory if you forgot. Remember, organization is about being efficient. And writing detailed instructions on everything you to do BEFORE the week even starts is just counterproductive, if not self-sabotaging.

Sample Weekly To-Do-List (Highlighted tasks are complete)
2. TODAY'S PRIORITY LIST - Once your Weekly to-do-list is established sit down before you begin work for the day and choose THREE tasks. Trust me unless you are only do very small things, three tasks is more than enough to keep you going in a day.

Tip 1
If you do have some small tasks without time constraints, spread and complete them throughout the week. I personally like to do this, because there are times when you finish a big task only to have another hour or two of productivity left that day. Why start another large-scale project just to stop soon after getting warmed up? Taking care of one or two "small" tasks will fill up that time. This will allow you to keep your momentum and make you feel good too.
Tip 2
This is the point where you can now get detailed. Each of your THREE tasks can be broken up in smaller tasks if wish to do so.

An example of such would be:

If after making a more detailed list you see that your task will take longer than you imagined, feel free to delete one of the three major tasks. Remember, these lists are to help you get work done. Use them to make good use of your time and make realistic goals. If you don't have time to do 3 major tasks, realize you cant buy any more hours in the day. So why be frustrated trying to do more than you know is physically possible? You will waste more time worrying than actually completing work.

Now if you start to see that you HAVE to get multiple tasks done each day or tragedy will strike. This may be a sign that you need assistance. Look into getting an intern, assistant, or partnering with another service provider. This could be a good thing!
Woooh...Two whole postings about To-Do-Lists! Hopefully, this was useful information. Remember organization is not suppose to "hurt". It should be a tool to help you succeed in business and feel CONFIDENT about your business choices.

As always, I want to hear from you. I want to know how you use to-do-lists in your personal life. And of course, if you have more useful tips for my readers and I, please share them in the comment section.

Back to: Part One: To-Do-Lists...Oh the Horror!!!

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Anonymous said...

Great Blog, you are highly recomended. This Blog is something that a lot of business owners and also someone trying to create a business should look @. Very infomative. appreciate the info, Thanks!
Ron out of Jersey.

that Marketing Chic said...

Thank you Ron! Keep checking back for new posts and tell your friends. If you would like to hear more about any subject, please drop me a line at eycedesign@gmail.com.

