Thursday, May 22, 2008

Organized 2 Death or Maybe Not?

WELCOME to my first blog posting here at Organized2Death! My name is Yvonne and yes I'm one of those people you meet who thrives off disorder and chaos only to organize it into a nice little package. Some call me a perfectionist, I call it being joyfully efficient.

However, don't worry I'm not typing here on my laptop with a club in hand waiting to bang into your head the importance of a filing system. Instead, I'm here to alleviate a little bit of the stress you may be feeling when you think about what needs to be done today, tomorrow, or next month.

You know you are in the right place if:

  • You have ever bragged to your friends that you knew where every misplaced document or book lay in your chaotic office.
  • The thought of filing makes you squeamish, in fact, your main method of filing is hiding unopened documents and bills in your kitchen drawers.
  • You have plenty of clients and customers but feel that you are missing key opportunities to follow up with them due to disorganized administrative practices.
  • Every document, form, presentation, letterhead, and business card has a DIFFERENT company logo.
  • You want to be organized but do not have a clue where to start.

If you fit any of those profiles or know someone who does, make sure to bookmark this page and visit regularly for great new and EASY tips to organize your business, office, and life. Business does not have to be a chore. With practical suggestions to fit even the most stubborn mindsets, you will find yourself becoming more efficient and productive during your day.

Now, for an added bonus (or is that just my ego talking) this blog will also be capturing the early and progressive moments of my development as a business organizational coach. You see I truly believe in the power of transperancy. Although I am a business woman, I am also a person with goals, strengths, weaknesses, and fears. So as I share tips that I've gained over the years, I will also be showing through my daily actions how I'm implementing them in my own life. So be on the lookout for my regular webcasts. Yes, they will be videocasts of myself live and in technicolor.

If you have comments for me or would like a question answered on this blog, please feel free to comment here or email me. Also, check me out on LinkedIn and Facebook and add me as your friend!

Now I'm off to bed. I've done ORGANIZED MYSELF TO SLEEP!

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