Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Simple and Quick Marketing Tips that You Can Start Today

When it comes to organizing their businesses, many never get started because they do not know where to begin. Or they say that they just don't have the time. So in this series of articles, I will be eliminating both excuses from your current mindset. In each article, I will be providing you with two (2) tips for organizing and marketing your business – two weeks out of the month that are already planned for you. All you have to do is take action and do them. So lets get started.

Marketing Campaign

Marketing, including word of mouth campaigns, will be the lifeline of your business. You should always have at least one campaign in progress even if you feel you have enough work to do. So I suggest you try one of the following ideas. They are easy, quick to do, and wont take much of your time.

1. Choose a local newspaper to post an ad for your business or event. Many small journals offer free advertising in both their printed and online versions. Examples in the Cincinnati Tri-County area:

2. Go to one networking event. Walk up to 5 people and ask them how they heard about the event and what they do. Ask for their business card, pause, and then say “how about I give you mine too”. At this point walk away unless they want to hire you right then and there. :) Check the above sites for networking events in Cincinnati.


Join a social network.

Join a social network and actually FILL out your profile completely and add a professional-style picture as well. I'd suggest: www.facebook.com and www.linkedin.com. But if you are a musician, artist, or a creative business, www.myspace.com might be just right for you. Make sure to update your status and profile regularly. Users of social networks are always checking the status of their friends and will be immediately notified of any changes you make. A great marketing strategy! The day I changed my Facebook profile to show my new website address, I received a surge in hits without handing out one new business card. (And yes you can join all three networks!)

If you have a quick and easy marketing strategy that can be implemented in one week, please share them. I will give you all due credit and it will be a great service to others. Email your suggestions to yvonne@CoSolutionsLLC.com.

For more marketing and business tips sent straight to your email, please sign up for
my "Finding Your Way" eNewsletter below.

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Finding Your Passion with a Target Market

I was going to name this article “The Fear of Success” but I felt that was giving the word fear way to much power. Instead, I came up with a quick anagram for the word that is much more appropriate for my life.

Fear is a:

F = Fundamental
E = Exercise that makes me both
A = Aware and
R = Realistic

Based upon this phrase, each article I will be discussing one element of small business ownership that causes people to lose their initiative. I am going to try and demystify these weaknesses so that success can take hold of you from within.

This article is about doing what you love. I've found that when people describe their business to me they always end their sentence with “but I wish I was doing something else too”. Surprisingly, 75% of the time that “wish” is actually a business idea that is quite close to what they are already doing. If this is true, why haven't they just done it? The problem in my opinion is the fear of opening their true self to the world. Sometimes its safer to say “I'm a party planner” than to say “I'm an event planner who specializes in organizing charity events for women who have been abused”.

Why is this? It's because there is this assumption that if you get specific with people it will infer something about your personal life. The planner in this example probably feels people will quickly assume that she was abused. This may or may not be true, but the assumption that people may view her as a victim is enough to keep her from fulfilling her passion.

This is where I feel its important to remind you that not everyone is going to understand or relate to your passion from a business stand point. Which means these individuals are not part of your target market to begin with. However, for people who have the same passion or have gone through the same experiences as you, your message will resonate loud and clear. And honestly, aren't these the type of people you want as clients. In other words, don't be afraid to match your passion with your business. If you embrace who you are, you will actually see your business pick up because you are now using your time to only focus on good leads.

To learn more about how to follow your passion while maintaining a profitable business, check out my new eBook now available on my sister website: www.FindingYourWayPlan.com

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Small Business is Not a Popularity Contest

Running a business has to be one of most invigorating things you can do in life. You are constantly learning, moving, networking and as a friend of mine likes to say "influencing people". However, it is hard work. And trust that when I say hard, I mean it will be the most difficult job you will ever hold.

However, many business owners get caught up in this initial rush. They fall in love with handing out business cards with the title CEO in bold black letters. They spend so much time "networking" that they never actually do business. Or the business turns into just an excuse for socializing. Anyone can throw a party or go to a networking meeting. But do these events contribute to your bottomline which is long-term profitability.

Popularity Contests:

The most well-known popularity contest of all time occurs in, yes, High School. So below I have profiled four business types in accordance to the popularity index of 12th grade.
  1. Cheerleader - You are involved in every social group known to man. Your calendar has you attending luncheons, charities, political rallies, art openings, dance clubs, and mentoring programs. You are probably even the President of at least three of the groups you join. Your picture or name is in every entertainment newspaper in your city.

  2. The Jock - If the networking event has anything to do with sports, you are there. You boast that the most important transactions take place on the golfing course, but have yet to prove the theory. You are always looking for a way to get front row tickets to the best football and basketball games. You have been known to pass these tickets to potential clients in the belief that it will make them loyal customers.

  3. The Geek - Computers and the Internet are your life. You are a regular in chatrooms, on message boards, and within the comment section of most blogs and news articles. Your "Username" is recognized everywhere (and sometimes even respected) but nobody knows your real name or real job. You have an opinion about everything and will voice it all over cyberspace if you think its important enough.

  4. The Unknown - A.K.A. a wallflower or online, a "lurker". You show up at events but you really dont participate. You distrust smiling networkers who are always working the room; they cant really be that happy about being here. You read the newspaper and even read blogs religiously, but don't ever write the editor or leave a comment. Whats the point?
So which high school student represents you?

I have to admit I'm a combination. I have been known to be a cheerleader but recently I just dont have the time. I also could fit quite snuggly in the geek category. I know when I first caught the entrepreneur spirit, I thought I could do business and network completely online. Looking back, I didnt get much done.

Now, realize I wrote the four profiles with tongue in cheek. I am not ragging on any personality type. What I'm trying to do is open your mind to how you can easily become unfocused while doing business.

Take the cheerleader for example. Heck, I admit I'm jealous of these folks; if only I had their connections. They are masters of networking. However, for these business types there is a point where too much socializing can unfocus your vision. If the events you are attending have nothing to do with your business and better yet, dont attract your target market, you may not be prioritizing your time.

For you jocks, not every deal is made at hole 18. In fact, unless you are at a sporting event with THE decision maker, nothing probably will. Yes, games are a great way to mingle and get customers to relax. But unless you FOLLOW-UP on the relationship fostered socializing, you've wasted your valuable time. So the next time you invite John to a Bengals game, make sure to call him afterwards to schedule a meeting to talk business.

I "heart" geeks (being an undercover one myself). But for those who jumped on the digital train head first, remember that there is only so much business you can do online. At some point, people want to deal with a human being. Don't allow online networks to deplete you of all your social skills. Set time to attend local networking events or call your clients to see how they are doing. You will be surprised by how much more attention you will get when people realize that you are both smart AND socialable.

For the unknowns, there is not much to say. It's like this. You will only get customers once they know you exist. If you don't speak to people at events (if you attend), professionally network, or become an expert in your field, the odds of people hearing about your business is nill. You don't have to become a "cheerleader", but you still need to GET INVOLVED!

The point is that networking needs to be focused and planned. This balance between networking and business can be met if you apply the following principles to your social agenda.
  1. GET OUT from behind your computer screen. You may be ignoring a huge market segment that may not be found on the Internet.
  2. CHOOSE the events or groups you want to join strategically. Make sure they are related to your industry or at least gets you near your target market.
  3. FOLLOW-UP. If the event is more social than business make sure to follow-up with the people you meet afterwards. Do not expect them to become loyal customers just because you rubbed shoulders on the green.
Hopefully these tips will help grow your business while still making room for fun. In fact if you have any suggestions for creative networking, please share them in the comment section.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Personality of Your Business

I'm currently reading "Book Yourself Solid" by Michael Port. Its tagline is and I quote:
"The Fastest , Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing & Selling"

Obviously, I was a bit reluctant to believe his claims. But as I near page 65, I'm beginning to think he may know something about small business after all. My biggest pet peeve with business books are that they are usually full of concepts and ideas only, but include no system for figuring how to implement the ideas in your life. This author, however, took the time to actually develop a system and even a workbook to help you brainstorm based upon YOUR own business and personality.

For instance for those unsure about their niche and personal brand, he suggested surveying your current friends, family, and clients to answer questions about you. Scary, right? But at 7:30 in the morning I took the leap and sent the following email to people who know me pretty well (sometimes too well).
Everyone knows I'm on a journey to find my niche in the world.

I'm currently building my personal brand and need your unbiased/biased assessment. Please answer the next few questions and BE HONEST.
Don't worry if it your answer sounds like something I may not want to know about myself. Most likely your first thought is the best one.

Thanks in advance. As you can see I'm emailing all of you at 7:30 in the morning, so I must really need some help. LOL.

1. What are my top 5 personality traits or quirks.

2. Describe fun or unique experience(s) you've had hanging with me.
3. If you've known me since childhood, what have I always been good at since I was a kid?
4. What do I talk the most about when I'm with you?

Again be honest, even if its silly or strange. Hugs to everyone.


It's now 9:20, about two hours later. I've received one response from my friend Jio in Israel (he is the only one awake on a Sunday right now).

These were his responses:
1. Five traits: captivating, caring, funny, elegent, smart
3. How I've always been:
Ever since i've known you, you've been good at taking charge of your life when your down.
5. What do I like to talk about: EVERYTHING.

Awwwww. Man I needed that email. But actually he isn't far from the truth. As I receive more responses I'm going to start thinking more about how my personality should influence my business and will keep you informed of my progress.

As for you...try this exercise yourself. As the author says, "Not only will you start to see some of the same truths about who you are, but you'll get back the most touching and warm emails - I promise."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Global Economy: Did You Know Shift Happens

If you are a business owner than you understand that we are part of a global economy. And as this video highlights "Shift Happens". I would recommend everyone to watch this video in its entirety. I'm CONFIDENT that it will make you reflect on where you and your business fit in this "new world". Remember, this presentation was done in 2006.

Did You Know: Shift Happens

If you feel even a bit unsettled than GOOD :) Sometimes we have to feel a wee uncomfortable to realize that change may not be so bad. And because I don't want to be known as being pessimistic, I've attached the 2008 version of this presentation. Ironically, it is actually more optimistic in its view of the future. Still, I'd recommend that after viewing both videos you may want to reflect on how you can prepare and organize your business for change. Good change of course!

Did You Know 2.0

Here are my favorite screen shots:

So what did you think? Email me or comment below. I'd love to know your thoughts!!
