Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Personality of Your Business

I'm currently reading "Book Yourself Solid" by Michael Port. Its tagline is and I quote:
"The Fastest , Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even if You Hate Marketing & Selling"

Obviously, I was a bit reluctant to believe his claims. But as I near page 65, I'm beginning to think he may know something about small business after all. My biggest pet peeve with business books are that they are usually full of concepts and ideas only, but include no system for figuring how to implement the ideas in your life. This author, however, took the time to actually develop a system and even a workbook to help you brainstorm based upon YOUR own business and personality.

For instance for those unsure about their niche and personal brand, he suggested surveying your current friends, family, and clients to answer questions about you. Scary, right? But at 7:30 in the morning I took the leap and sent the following email to people who know me pretty well (sometimes too well).
Everyone knows I'm on a journey to find my niche in the world.

I'm currently building my personal brand and need your unbiased/biased assessment. Please answer the next few questions and BE HONEST.
Don't worry if it your answer sounds like something I may not want to know about myself. Most likely your first thought is the best one.

Thanks in advance. As you can see I'm emailing all of you at 7:30 in the morning, so I must really need some help. LOL.

1. What are my top 5 personality traits or quirks.

2. Describe fun or unique experience(s) you've had hanging with me.
3. If you've known me since childhood, what have I always been good at since I was a kid?
4. What do I talk the most about when I'm with you?

Again be honest, even if its silly or strange. Hugs to everyone.


It's now 9:20, about two hours later. I've received one response from my friend Jio in Israel (he is the only one awake on a Sunday right now).

These were his responses:
1. Five traits: captivating, caring, funny, elegent, smart
3. How I've always been:
Ever since i've known you, you've been good at taking charge of your life when your down.
5. What do I like to talk about: EVERYTHING.

Awwwww. Man I needed that email. But actually he isn't far from the truth. As I receive more responses I'm going to start thinking more about how my personality should influence my business and will keep you informed of my progress.

As for you...try this exercise yourself. As the author says, "Not only will you start to see some of the same truths about who you are, but you'll get back the most touching and warm emails - I promise."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Global Economy: Did You Know Shift Happens

If you are a business owner than you understand that we are part of a global economy. And as this video highlights "Shift Happens". I would recommend everyone to watch this video in its entirety. I'm CONFIDENT that it will make you reflect on where you and your business fit in this "new world". Remember, this presentation was done in 2006.

Did You Know: Shift Happens

If you feel even a bit unsettled than GOOD :) Sometimes we have to feel a wee uncomfortable to realize that change may not be so bad. And because I don't want to be known as being pessimistic, I've attached the 2008 version of this presentation. Ironically, it is actually more optimistic in its view of the future. Still, I'd recommend that after viewing both videos you may want to reflect on how you can prepare and organize your business for change. Good change of course!

Did You Know 2.0

Here are my favorite screen shots:

So what did you think? Email me or comment below. I'd love to know your thoughts!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting Down & Dirty: What's a Filing Cabinet?

As an Organizational Nut, let me tell you how upset this picture made me. Yes, you are seeing correctly. Those are paperbags being used as filing cabinets.


Now that I've let that giggle out. I have to tell you all: This is just unacceptable if you are running a business. And I'm going to have to fine the next person I see using this organizational strategy.

I know filing has the reputation for being the most boring task ever. I remember at one particular job, we'd wait to file until the stack was so high we could no longer see our desks OR floor. Then we'd spend a whole afternoon in the "cave" filing away folders we had a 1 in 10,000 chance of pulling out again. And yes "we", as in we filed using the buddy system.

However, I've thankfully changed over the years and although filing still is not entertaining, I now don't mind it as much. Yet, the last few weeks have been a flurry of activity and I found myself with a stack of papers scattered about my office. So with the help of my kitten, Tuxedo, some labels, hanging folders, plastic tabs, and a pen I got down to work.

People always think to be organized you need an elaborate filing system and a printer that types really really small. You don't. This is what I did.

1. I sorted my files by topic and wrote down a list of all the different types of files I have. (Example: Business Planing, Invoices, Medical Bills, Receipts, School, and etc.)

2. I then sorted them into two piles. Pile A: Business files & Pile B: Personal Files.
(Business files will now go in the top filing cabinet and personal files at the bottom.)

3. Next, I wrote by HAND the filing topic on each label. I inserted the label into the plastic tabs in put them in alphabetical order.

4. Finally, I attached tabs to hanging folders in the now alphabetized order and hung the folders one by one in the correct drawer.

Okay, now for all of you who haven't filed in years. This may appear to be a ten year job. So what I suggest until you can find the time or help to organize backlogs of folders. Start with the documents on your desk right now. Or file only the documents that you have received in the last three months. Starting small will get you used to the idea and get you used to filing every day.

Trust me it helps. Today as I was running out my house for a meeting I remembered I needed to bring samples of my work. All I had to do was open up the drawer and look in "Client Samples" to pull out what I needed. It was that easy!

***Notice that I did not make tabs for files I don't have yet. If you don't like to file in the first place, why do you need empty folders in your cabinet to remind you? In other words, only make new folders as the need arises. ***

If you have any additional suggestion for filing please share them with us in the comment box!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Inc. Mag: Growing vs. Growing Up

** Reposted, my link to this on facebook went bad. Errrr. **

I love to read and keep up on the latest business trends. So while I was perusing Inc. Magazines website, I came across this fabulous article that perfectly described how I've been thinking for years. It was as if the writer had taken the words right out of my mouth.

Growing vs. Growing Up by Donna Fenn

In the article Ms. Fenn talks about the importance of having internal structure. She brought up the fact that if there is no organization or procedures for operating your business, you are actually limiting your ability to go to the next level.

She was able to convey these thought much more clever than myself. So, let me quote her instead.
"Over the past 20+ years, I’ve visited plenty of
$5-$10 million companies (and some that are much bigger) that seem operationally stuck in the start-up phase. Why? Because growing revenue is really, really fun; creating systems and procedures really, really isn’t. The result: cash flow suffers; customers are poorly served; employees have no idea what’s expected of them; vendors lose faith."
The writer also mentions the experiences of Josh Kowitt and Scott Neuberger, the co-founders of Boston-based College Boxes. Josh had this to say about a period of time when things weren't going very well.
"I was digging through boxes all day. I lost 15 pounds. We had grown very quickly and we didn’t keep up on the operational side. I think we kind of lost our way and we didn’t deliver on our promise. We had moved into a fancy office in downtown Boston and I think that was the beginning of the end. Instead of spending money on rent, we should have spent it on bar code tracking.”
I think this is why I'm such an organizational nut. I've worked for some successful businesses that, despite huge revenues, had their projects turn south or become harder to complete due to their lack of administrative procedures and document control.

Donna is right, it is fun to go out there and get business. But what happens when you get the business but you can't give your client what you promised?

Organization may not appear to be as exciting as that kick-off meeting, but its importance should not be ignored. In fact, at times it may need to be elevated.

Tell me, have you ever had any moments where you've looked back and gone "if only I had..."? Feel free to share it in the comment section. Trust me when I say, we all have.

And just for laughs:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Entrepreneurs: Help! Where do I go??

If you are like myself and most entrepreneurs you have probably realized that starting your own business is HARD WORK even when you are doing what you love. It takes passion, dedication and most off all reliable resources to really make it work. But where are these resources, organizations, and people that are suppose to help us?

Well, I've found more than a few places to go for help and networking opportunities. You see last week, I made it one of my top priorities to research all the different small business organizations, chambers of commerce, and business development centers in Cincinnati, Ohio. I made sure to call each one and see what low-cost (if not free) services they provided.

Tuesday, I met with Brenda Collins at Hamilton County Business Center (HCBC). Our meeting was wonderful. Brenda's kind and open manner instantly put me at ease. After telling her about my business, Officient, she immediately was able to give me a wide range of ideas and suggestions for networking my business. Although she normally only works with entrepreneurs in the technology, science, and manufacturing industries, she still took the time to provide me with a list of resources and contacts here in Cincinnati.

I was impressed with how helpful Brenda was. As new business owners, we can easily get lost in our own bubble and forget that there are people out there to help us. We do not have to do everything alone. Sometimes all you have to do is search and ask and doors you never knew existed will be open to you. I would definitely recommend any entrepreneur working in the technology sector to check out HCBC and see how they can help prepare your company for growth.

In my networking research, I've also come across other resources and organizations as listed below. As I check them out, I will continue to post comments about how they worked with me. Most of the links are for the Cincinnati Tri-State, however, check your local area for similar agencies and centers.
Now its your turn. What organizations and networking groups have worked for you?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Organizer Had to Organize Herself...

As I've mentioned before, this blog is also about my own process as I organize and launch my consultancy business. So, the organizational queen had to do a bit of re-branding herself because I want to bring my readers and my clients the best possible advice.

I've recently partnered with a SCORE consultant to help in this process. If you don't already know, SCORE is a non-profit group that matches retired executives with small business owners. In other words, I now have my own personal business coach at no cost to myself.

I'm a firm believer in using all the resources available to me. Even I need help and can use the assistance of a non-biased mentor to help me through the rough times and mental burps. So, I had my first meeting with a knowledgeable and sweet woman named Sally last week.

She was able to give me quite a bit of advice in just that first meeting on how to better market my business and showcase my talents. She put much emphasis on creating ultra-professional business brochures and business cards and recommended that I use photographs of myself through out my company literature and website. I took her advice and made an appointment to have professional pictures taken last Friday. Salim at NyteVisions Photography is not only a friend but a wonderful photographer.

My New Business Photos: What do u think?

My next meeting with Sally is Thursday. My goal is to have my business cards, brochures, and website all finished by then so I can relaunch my business and begin marketing myself more aggressively.

I will keep you all informed of my experiences working with SCORE and how much success I gain with my new brand. If you have any advice or stories about your own experiences with mentors and/or branding your business, please leave a comment!